Kingsmead was inspected by Ofsted on 26th & 27th April 2022.
Outcome of OFSTED Inspection
I am very happy to say the report from our most recent OFSTED inspection is now published and - in addition to consistently providing our children with excellent exam outcomes year on year - OFSTED have confirmed that we are a ‘Good’ school.
They have praised:
- Our commitment to and ambition for the children,
- The commitment, focus and loveliness of the children themselves.
- Leadership of the school and how coherent it is.
- The ambition of the curriculum and the recent changes made to improve it.
- Teacher subject knowledge and expertise
- How well supported teachers are to get better.
- Consistency of behaviour and how it allows children to learn.
- How capable and effective we are at making sure children are safe both in and outside school.
- How serious we are about making sure children are ready for adult life and how well thought through that is.
Click Here for Ofsted Report 2022
Click Here for Letter to Parents 16 June 22
Kingmead School: Activity, Reports and Ratings