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Student voice at Kingsmead School

We really value the input from our students to help make Kingsmead School and Sixth Form a place where everyone feels valued and has a say.

Our Year Councils are supported by a member of the Head Student team and meet regularly to feed into our half termly Student Council meetings. Year Councils discuss the charity focus for that particular cohort, concerns raised by their peers and celebrate successes which are then passed on to relevant members of staff. Our Head Students then collate and share this information with the School's Senior Leaders who provide feedback/comments for them to communicate with the student body.

Students are involved in the appointment of new staff and introducing change or new initiatives within the school. Example include:

  • involvement in discussions when we changed the school day 
  • suggesting activities for our vast extra-curricular offer
  • contributing to the organisation of events, such as our annual Culture Day
  • helping to select books for our Just Reading programme
  • leading fundraising initiatives for their chosen charities and improving facilities within the school.